Family Notary OMV Authorized Public Tag Agent Mary E. Spears No Wait License Plates Mandeville - Covington Slidell - Pearl River Lacombe - Chalmette Louisiana
Family NotaryOMV Authorized Public Tag AgentMary E. SpearsNo Wait License PlatesMandeville - CovingtonSlidell - Pearl River Lacombe - Chalmette Louisiana

The Louisiana Notary And The Role Of The Notary In The Civil Law Tradition

I am not an attorney and cannot give legal advice.  As a Notary Public, I can prepare and notarize most documents, and if you do need an attorney, we will let you know.

Here you will find an overview of the documents we prepare, and a description of each.

LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT; Through execution of a testament, a person can provide for the disposition of his/her property while alive to take effect upon his/her death. La. C.C. art. 1469.


SMALL SUCCESSION (BY AFFIDAVIT); When a person dies leaving property in Louisiana with a gross value of $125,000.00 or less. La. C.C.P. art. 3421.


CREDIT SALES; Where the seller owner finances the property. La. CC art. 3249.


BOND FOR DEED; A contract to sell real property which the purchase price is paid in installments, after payment of a stipulated sum, agrees to deliver title to the buyer. La. R.S. 9:2941.


LEASE WITH OPTION TO PURCHASE; A bilateral contract between lessor and lessee, for the use and enjoyment of real property in exchange for rent. La. CC. art. 2668, with an option to purchase said property at a later date.


DATION EN PAIEMENT; Giving back the property in lieu of payment. La. CC. art. 2655.


ACT OF DONATION OF PROPERTY; Donation inter vivos of present property disposed of gratuitously at the present time. La. CC art. 1468.


CASH SALES; A conveyance act whereby the seller (vendor) conveys, the immovable in exchange for the price paid in money by the purchaser.


SETTING UP YOUR LLC./CORPORATION; Business entities formed under title 12, La. Corporation Law.


LEASE/RENTAL AGREEMENT; A bilateral contract between lessor and lessee, for the use and enjoyment of real property in exchange for rent. La. CC. art. 2668.


POWER OF ATTORNEY (PROCURATION); A unilateral juridical act that confers authority on another person, the representative, to represent the principal in legal relations La. CC. art. 2987.


PROVISIONAL CUSTODY BY MANDATE; Authorizes another person to make decisions for the child on the absent parents behalf. La. R.S 9:951 et seq.


ADVANCE CARE DIRECTIVE (LIVING WILL); A legal document that allows you to have written wishes for your medical care with a terminal illness or condition.


BUILDING CONTRACT LIENS (PRIVATE WORKS ACT) The Private Works Act, La. RS. 9:4801, et seq. establishes a privilege on an immovable to secure obligations arising out of construction or repairs made on an immovable.


TRAVEL AUTHORIZATION FORM; Authorizes another person to make decisions for the child on the absent parents behalf, specifically for a trip or vacation.


BILLS OF SALE; A contract whereby a person transfers ownership of a thing.


AFFIDAVITS; A written statement or declaration made under oath before a Notary.


Have questions or would like to make an appointment? Call us at +1 985 2885684 or use our contact form.

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